
The development of the lottery in the world

The first lotteries have been around since ancient times. According to some experts, the first mention of them can be found in ancient Greek myths. Around the same time, lotteries appeared in ancient Rome and China. In Asia even then part of the profits were used to build defensive structures, the Great Wall of China being one of them.

In ancient Rome, the appearance of lotteries is largely linked to the name of Julius Caesar. It is believed that during his reign public lotteries were held with the profits going to the development of the city. In addition, free lotteries were held amongst the poorer classes on public holidays.

The lottery in medieval Europe

Lotteries started to be held in Europe in the 15th century. The event is thought to have been first held on the anniversary of the death of the painter Van Eyck in Belgium. The proceeds from the raffle were then used to help the poor. An engraving announcing the raffle was preserved in the German city of Rostock. Similar events were then held on a regular basis throughout Belgium. The proceeds went towards the development of urban infrastructure.

Then, already in the 16th century, Queen Elizabeth of England started holding lotteries. She decided to raffle money and gold among her subjects. This initiative was warmly welcomed by the people and was quite successful. All in all about 40 thousand lottery tickets were sold and the profit was used for public needs. Thereafter, the state lottery in England became a regular event. The proceeds were used to build the British Museum and other significant architectural monuments.

the lottery in the world

History of lotteries in the United States

The lottery was introduced to the United States by English colonists. It was with the help of lotteries that the settling of new lands became more active. The United States owes a lot to this game of chance. Money collected from lotteries helped build Jamestown. The city became the continent’s first English settlement.

Such success encouraged the settlers to hold lotteries regularly. The money raised was used to build bridges, schools, roads and other infrastructure. During the War of Independence, lottery proceeds were used to man the troops. And George Washington used the lottery to build the longest roads in the country. Generally speaking, it is in the U.S. that lotteries are most widespread. There is a large number of lotteries in the country, in which many Americans participate. Gradually, however, cases of fraud began to spread here. As a result, the sale of lottery tickets was banned at the end of the 19th century.