
The impact of craps on the gambling industry

It’s safe to say that craps is one of the oldest and most popular gambling games to be found at any offline or online casino. Some experienced gamblers even believe that if an establishment doesn’t have craps, it’s hard to classify it as being of high quality. However, many years ago, the game of craps was very different from what we see today. Craps first appeared in ancient times, and then the rules were gradually changed. The result was the game as we know it today.

History of craps

Some experts believe that the first knowledge of the game of craps dates back to the 11th century. It is believed that William of Tyre, a British knight, invented a new game to pass the time while laying siege to castles.

Interestingly enough, the game was originally called Hazard. Some think it was the name of a besieged fortress. Others believe the word comes from the Arabic azzah meaning ‘dice’. There is no exact opinion on the correct version. It is up to each individual to decide for himself. But after the Crusades, the game quickly became popular in Britain. Many wealthy Englishmen fell in love with dice, and began to spend all their free time playing it.

Several decades passed, and craps gradually spread throughout France. There, too, it gained popularity among the upper classes. It was in France that the game got its current name. Craps is believed to be derived from the word ‘crabs’ meaning ‘toss of the dice’.

Craps Rules

History of craps

The game peaked in popularity during the 17th and 18th centuries. It was then that the game, which was imported by immigrants, spread across what is now the United States. Craps first conquered the south of the country, and after some time, the north.

Then, gambling was made illegal in the USA. However, this had little effect on craps’ popularity. Gamblers continued to gamble, but on steamboats. It was around this time that significant changes were made to craps, reducing the likelihood of cheating. The new version of the game was called ‘Don’t Miss a Bet’. This fully reflects its essence. From now on, cheating with the dice has become very difficult, and bets are available not only on the player, but also against him. This version of dice began to gain popularity even faster. As a result, the game is now one of the most popular games in Las Vegas, and is also quite common at online casinos. It’s hard to think of an establishment that doesn’t have such a fascinating game to play. In fact, Craps has long been considered a hallmark of excellence at online casinos and is guaranteed to increase the club’s visitor base.

Online Craps

Craps was originally quite popular in land-based casinos. But now gambling is illegal in many countries, and just playing craps has become increasingly difficult. That is why many gamblers prefer to visit online casinos. You can play any kind of gambling game there, and craps is on that list. 

Not surprisingly, in the early days of virtual clubs, craps was always on the small list of gambling activities. This is due to the fact that the game attracts many players. Experienced gamblers tell us that craps attracts them unpredictable. You never know in advance how the die will fall. Regardless, it is possible to devise your own best strategies to win more often, and to reap rewards that are worthy of their name.